
Are you interested in smoking weed for the first time? Many people are curious about diving in but have several questions or concerns that make them hesitate. Having a better understanding of what you’re doing and how smoking weed works can create a more enjoyable experience. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explain various methods for weed smoking and helpful tips for beginners. We’ll also explain what expectations you should have and why purchasing from a reputable dispensary is key. After reading, contact Nexus Delivers in Sacramento, California, online or in-person to explore everything you could possibly need for a positive weed-smoking experience.

Ways To Smoke Weed: The Most Popular Methods

You actually have several options for smoking weed. You can use a pipe, dab rig, flowers with some type of wrap, or a disposable pen. Some people opt for tinctures or edibles. Knowing how these methods differ can help you decide between them.

Disposables or refillable pens are ideal if you’re not interested in lighting up and want something easier. Dabs are good for seasoned marijuana smokers, but there’s no reason why a newbie couldn’t try it out. Additionally, edibles are great for a fun snacking experience.

You must decide which form of cannabis delivery you prefer. Many first-time users start off with blunts or pre-rolls, but you can decide which method you feel most comfortable beginning with. The primary ways to smoke weed are as follows.


Dabs are not typically a choice for a first-time cannabis experience, but rather a method of smoking that mostly experienced participants try. The effects of smoking dabs are often stronger and involve the use of a torch and nail. With a dab rig (a type of water piece), you smoke a vaporized concentrate by inhaling through the mouthpiece, differing from the way you might inhale a combusted herb through a bong.

Smoking With a Pipe

Cannabis pipes are made from a multitude of materials, such as crystal and wood, but glass is perhaps the most popular. While bongs and water pipes require water, standard pipes are available as waterless options.

If the dry flower is too big, you’ll need to use your grinder to get it down to a smaller size. You can then pack the cannabis into the pipe, use your lighter, and inhale the smoke that follows. Pipes are often smaller and easy to use and store, making them a convenient way to smoke.

Blunts, Joints, Pre-Rolls, and Spliffs

Perhaps the most popular form of weed smoking is through rolling and lighting up the dry flower. You take a flower and dry wrap (often tobacco leaf paper), roll it, and use a lighter to smoke the cannabis through a blunt.

Joints are similar to blunts but have a thinner paper and provide a faster high, while spliffs (also called marijuana cigarettes) involve tobacco, dry flower, and rolling papers.

Pre-rolls mean that a dispensary has already completed the work for you, and all you’ll need to smoke is a lighter. No matter which of these types you choose, you’ll experience the effects of your cannabis faster than other methods. That said, the smoke will also enter your lungs.

Disposable Pens

These pens contain a charged battery and cannabis oil, ready to operate at your convenience. When shopping for disposable pens, you can choose from a variety of cannabis types, gram amounts, and brands. After you’re done with them, you dispose of your weed pens, as the name implies.

If you enjoy using a disposable pen, you might consider investing in a refillable pen, where you can change the battery and swap out the cart. Some products contain sativa, indica, or a hybrid. Chatting with your local dispensary employee can help you explore the best options.


Edibles are a discreet type of cannabis product that involves no smoking. If you’d like to try the smoking experience, you might consider consuming edibles another time. Edibles can have strong effects, depending on their strength, but take a bit longer to kick in.

Many edibles come in gummy form, with a huge selection of flavors to choose from, such as strawberry, blueberry, watermelon, and more. You can also find delicious chocolate chip or birthday cake cookie edibles if you’re interested in having a tasty snack. Some dispensaries sell candy bars or brownies.


Tinctures are a liquid form of extract that you consume orally through a dropper. You will squeeze the dropper to release the liquid under your tongue, hold the liquid in your mouth for a couple of seconds, then swallow. If you find the taste bitter or strong, you can rinse your mouth with water.

Like edibles, tinctures are good if you don’t want to release smoke in the air. If you’re mindful of keeping smoke vapors away from family, friends, pets, or children, using either of these methods might suit your needs the best.

smoking weed first time

How To Smoke Weed for the First Time

When learning about marijuana consumption for novices, you’ll need to understand how the weed smoking process works. It’s best to start with less-potent weed and small amounts as a beginner. Once you’ve decided how you’ll smoke weed, you can proceed as follows:

  1. Gather everything you need. Having all of your supplies ready to go will help you get started without having to look for a lighter or papers. When you’re ready to go, find an area to smoke by yourself or with friends (though remember that smoking in public is illegal).
  2. Grind your weed into small pieces. Using a grinder makes the dry flower easier to smoke and provides a more uniform consistency. However, if you have a pre-roll, you can skip this step entirely and ignite the product to enjoy the smoke.
  3. Inhale the smoke slowly. When you light up one end of your blunt or spliff, you’ll inhale at the mouthpiece of the opposite end.

You should not participate in any serious activities after smoking cannabis. If you have to go to work, drive, or watch children for an extended period, smoking weed at a different time is best. Planning to have time free where you can simply relax and hang out is much safer.

Consider where you live and if smoking weed in your residence is acceptable. When smoking weed for the first time in certain areas, you may need to opt for a more discreet method — for example, if you live in an apartment. Smoking in a safe area with trusted companions is ideal for getting started.

Tips for First-Time Cannabis Users

You’ll have the best possible experience if you consider the following helpful tips:

  • Know the Common Effects: You might have a different experience than your friend or family member who smokes weed. Some of the most common symptoms you could experience include happy or euphoric feelings, increased appetite (the “munchies”), anxiety, improved sleep, or dry mouth. After smoking weed, a person may also have a harder time focusing or maintaining their coordination.
  • Store Your Cannabis Properly: You can keep your dry flower in the best possible condition until you’re ready to smoke by storing it in a clean, dry, and safe area. The last thing you want is to discover the quality has decreased or your next high isn’t as fun. 
  • Begin With a Lower Strain: Recommended cannabis dosing for beginners is 20% THC or less, though many products are available at 25 to 30% THC. You can always move up to a higher amount as you progress, but beginners should always start off small.
  • Address Red Eyes With Eye Drops: Having red eyes after smoking weed is typical since blood vessels get wider. However, applying some eye drops can eliminate this effect and combat redness, dryness, or any feelings of discomfort. 

Some times when you may not want to smoke cannabis are when you are sick, experiencing an intense cough, or having major lung and respiratory problems. Smoking weed could further irritate your body and might not achieve the desired results you want.

What To Expect When Smoking Weed for the First Time

What happens when you smoke weed for the first time? Everyone’s experience is different, depending on what kind of weed you smoke, your chosen smoking method, and more. However, you can generally expect fast, strong, and hopefully enjoyable results. 

It’s common to cough after smoking weed, no matter if you’re a seasoned smoker or a first-time cannabis user. Marijuana smoke is thick, so needing to cough is typical. Starting off with a small hit and working your way up over time is ideal so you don’t overdo it and have the best time.

How you feel after smoking cannabis depends on the type you smoke. You might feel extremely hungry and want to eat if you smoke, but you could also want to go right to sleep. For someone looking to expand their appetite or get some rest, smoking weed may prove helpful.

Weed with a lot of sativa can make you feel more energetic and social, rapidly talking to anyone around you. With indica products, you could feel more relaxed and simply want to engage in low-stress activities during the high. You might watch TV, chat with a friend, or listen to some music.

Purchase Your Weed From a Trusted Dispensary

Knowing exactly what’s in your flower, disposable, or edible is essential. Therefore, working with a reputable dispensary in your area is your best bet if you’re looking to smoke for the first time. The customer service team at your local dispensary is extremely knowledgeable about their products and can offer the best recommendations to suit your needs and budget.

It’s also safer to purchase products from a dispensary, as you never know what additives and substances you’re getting if you purchase a vaporizer or cartridge from a non-dispensary supplier. Staying safe and knowledgeable is key when participating in cannabis consumption.

In Sacramento, residents turn to Nexus Delivers for a wide selection of affordable and effective cannabis products. We offer everything from extracts, edibles, and flowers to pods, pre-rolls, and batteries. We even have great gear to explore, including pipes, t-shirts, and more!

You Might Also Like: How Much is a Zip of Weed

Enjoy Top-Quality Cannabis Products From Nexus Delivers in Sacramento, California

We hope this beginners’ guide to smoking weed can help make your first weed-smoking occasion an enjoyable one. If you still have some questions about smoking weed for the first time, Nexus Delivers is available to answer your questions. We have a well-maintained shop in Sacramento, California, and also offer convenient delivery services for our customers in the area to enjoy cannabis on demand.

Are you looking to buy some top-notch products from Nexus Delivers? You can order online or call us at (916) 709-4137. If this is your first time trying weed, we’ll make your experience enjoy


If you live or have ever visited Sacramento, California, you might not bat an eye at its obvious nickname: The City of Trees. Nobody could easily ignore the abundance of beautiful trees and the gorgeous views in this part of the world, even if they were as high as a kite. Still, even long-time residents wonder how the city’s nickname came about with competing features such as the Sacramento River and the richness of its Gold Rush past.

People are also surprised to learn that The City of Trees didn’t always have those lush canopies we know and love today. It transitioned into a tree city over several generations of hard work to create greener and cooler conditions, but there’s more to it than just a collaboration of arbor enthusiasts.

If you want to know the real story, keep reading. And if you’re in town, you can always take advantage of the Nexus Delivers catalog for your cannabis delivery needs as you ponder this beautiful city’s tales and origins.

A Humble Start as “The City of Plains”

Anyone who has been to Sacramento will understand how the area could have begun as plains that bravely faced the hot, dry heat. With diligent efforts from the local community, the city has made a complete transformation into something incredibly beautiful and impactful compared to its former state. 

Over a span of more than 150 years, the aspiring title that appeared on the lips of Sacramento’s community in 1855 has transitioned into its reality. Today, the tree planting that started in the early 20th century and continues today has brought about the city’s current tree-lined streets and parks for all to enjoy. The community is also tackling insects, pests, and diseases that can harm these trees so that future generations can continue to enjoy a flourishing place to call home.

It all started with one miner planting a few cottonwood trees. Now, these iconic and impactful trees of Sacramento are ensuring a healthier environment for all.

How Sacramento’s Trees Keep Life Flourishing

The impressive canopy coverage supports all forms of natural life in Sacramento, which helps balance out the tall buildings that are continuing to change the cityscape. Trees promote healthy living, better mental and physical health, and more time outside. However, trees also help the plant and animal life thrive in Sacramento, which helps humans in the process.

The City of Trees’ residents have shade in the arid summers to gather and enjoy much-needed time outdoors. The trees also promote travel and tourism, spawning documentaries like Made in the Shade, which covers this show-stopping feat of having planted thousands of trees over the years.

Who Contributed to Making the City of Trees in Sacramento?

Today, forestry professionals, interested members of the public, volunteers, and organizations like The Sacramento Tree Foundation all contribute time and money to this thriving green area. All of these people play a vital role in keeping the city’s trees in good condition and encouraging planting and participation from local communities. However, tree lovers, local Boy Scouts, the Science Teachers Association, Sacramento’s Chamber of Commerce, and many others also deserve credit for the tree life here.

This urban forest not only makes the city more visually appealing—it also decreases carbon emissions. That’s why the Sacramento Tree Foundation has worked so hard to promote the importance and beauty of trees in the area, as well as the following:

  • Help residents decide which trees to plant based on soil needs and ideal conditions. 
  • Create tree tour guides that people can reference in neighborhoods, parks, and communities when looking for popular tree types.

How Many Trees Does Sacramento, California, Have Today?

Across the city on private and public property, Sacramento has over 1 million trees, including oaks, elms, redwoods, and more. However, residents and nature enthusiasts expand on these current efforts daily, planting more trees and making sure they’ll always have lasting beauty as part of life in California’s capital city.

Locations Where Sacramento Lives Up to Its Nickname

If you’re looking for living proof that “The City of Trees” deserves its title, you won’t have to go far. Residents who participate in local events or attractions and spend time outside unintentionally come into contact with several interesting tree species and plant types on a daily basis. Check out these five of the many areas in Sacramento if you’d like to see them for yourself:

#1 Capitol Park

At Capitol Park, you can enjoy 40 acres of plant and tree life throughout the area. Hundreds of tree and shrub species thrive here, making it a stunning attraction for tourists and residents alike. People even plant trees in honor of their loved ones here.

You’ll find everything from native trees to species from across the country. It’s a morning run staple for many Sacramento residents and the perfect place to admire your favorite city’s best features. So, whether you’re in town for the day from Roseville or you’re staying for a while, you’ll want to take some time to relax in the park and ponder its phenomenal history.

#2 The Fabulous 40s

East Sacramento’s Fab Forties neighborhood (streets from 38th to 47th Street) is one of the most well-known places in Sacramento, California. You might recognize it from the movie “Lady Bird” or from the well-documented homes of countless famous individuals. It’s also home to a very old deodar tree that’s quite something to behold.

Just one look at this beautiful neighborhood, and you’ll easily see why it’s so popular. The quaint and picturesque feel of the homes and gardens here are unique, and the convenient location helps, too.

#3 McKinley Park

This stunning park has trees that date back to the 1800s, so they’ve no doubt seen a lot of changes in the area. Why not get a closer look at the beautiful foliage on the tree tour route from Sacramento Tree Foundation? Sacramento’s residents also love this park for hiking, walking, public yoga classes, picnics, or just reading a good book in the shade of an old tree.

With the scenic views, what’s not to love about this place? The most common tree types within the 32-acre park are elms, pines, and two types of redwoods that cannot but inspire.

#4 Southside Park

Did you know that Southside Park in Sacramento has more than 40 tree varieties? The area also has some incredible cherry blossoms every spring, but those are only one of many species to admire throughout the park.

#5 William Land Park

William Land Park has multiple attractions for tourists and residents alike. As you move through the area, be sure to take a look at some of the stunning trees on your journey. This park offers native and rare trees, ensuring everyone can find a favorite.

the city of the trees

Popular Types of Trees in Sacramento, California

You’ll find numerous tree species in The City of Trees. However, as in Folsom, Sacramento’s many oak trees remain prominent in the gorgeous greenery. According to the Sacramento Tree Foundation, there are 20 native oak tree species and 20 hybrids thriving in California!

Here are the top three native oaks:

#1 The Blue Oak (Quercus douglasii)

These trees do well in the hot, dry summers that the area experiences, so they are some of the most common oak trees in Sacramento County. This popular oak tree derives its name from the dark green and blue hues visible on its leaves. They’re certainly a beautiful sight to behold wherever you happen to be in Sacramento, California.

#2 The Interior Live Oak (Quercus wislizenii)

This evergreen oak has two different leaf shapes, depending on the tree’s age. The leaves are more jagged while young and smooth out as the tree gets older. It is resilient against the dry and hot temperatures that California experiences, which is why this tree contributes to Sacramento’s expansive and beautiful canopy.

#3 The Valley Oak (Quercus lobata)

The tallest of the three native oaks in Sacramento is the valley oak variety. People stand in awe of how big and beautiful valley oaks are, and while they thrive in deep soil, they’re highly adaptable with the right care. However, they don’t enjoy being water-logged.

Relax and Enjoy the Convenient Cannabis Delivery Services in The City of Trees | Sacramento, California

Now that you’ve learned a little more about why Sacramento is appropriately called the “City of Trees,” you might be thinking about another favorite plant of yours. Thankfully, Sacramento residents can always count on Nexus Delivers for professional, high-quality, and affordable cannabis for their weed delivery service. Our business is passionate about service and goes above and beyond to get the good people of this stunning community the products they can’t do without.

Are you struggling to find a local cannabis dispensary that suits your needs and delivers to your address? Nexus Delivers carries a wide selection of cartridges, extracts, edibles, pods, pre-rolls, flowers, and much more online or at our local spot. Call (916) 709-4137 today and explore our five-star cannabis options in Sacramento, California, and the surrounding areas!


420 Events In Sacramento
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The legalization of marijuana opens the door to exploring ways to incorporate it into various activities, festivals, and even recipes. That’s evident by the cannabis scene taking off in locations such as Sacramento, California. For example, take the 420 events happening for smokers who like to exercise, senior citizens who want to learn more about cannabis’s benefits, or even business owners looking to network with like-minded entrepreneurs and professionals.

If you’re interested in these exciting 420 gatherings in the area but don’t know what’s out there, read on for a quick list of the options available. You’ll find a description of these events, along with a general idea of what to expect.

Still, it’s good to know that you don’t have to leave your home or one of these weed events if you find yourself out of your favorite bud in Sacramento—Nexus Delivers!

420 Events You Won’t Want to Miss | Sacramento, California

Tree Harvest Festival

The Tree Harvest Festival took place in 2019 as Sacramento’s very own version of the Mile High Festival for Colorado Cannabis Week. The festival offered a relaxed spot to buy weed and edibles while listening to live music. The highlights included cooking demonstrations, a watermelon-eating contest, and a themed art gallery.

Bend & Blaze Yoga

Bring your own cannabis or order a delivery to enjoy at this all-level yoga gathering. Yogi Eliza Maroney will guide you through the class specifically designed to help you unwind so that you can connect with yourself and the space around you. A curated playlist sets the tone for your journey as you stretch your body and honor your soul.

Notably, those new to yoga, festivals, or even the 420 Rally events are always welcome to attend and enjoy the vibe in their own way, even if they do not wish to partake.

Wellness Seminar

Cannabis has plenty of uses outside the recreational realm. Why not let one of the local wellness seminars open your eyes to the full medicinal benefits of this versatile plant? Learn about the different conditions cannabis can treat, such as insomnia, chronic pain, and stress, as well as how to dose cannabis to treat each condition.

Some people want to get high and relax. Others want to consume just enough cannabis for a good night’s sleep or pain relief. A wellness seminar is the perfect place to learn all of that and more.

4:20 Senior Social Hour

You may think that “420 events near me” only shows results for people in their early 20s, but you’d be mistaken! For example, Delta Boyz Dispensary and Lounge holds a one-hour smoking circle on the 20th of every month. It’s a great time for seniors to ask questions, learn about new products, and take the edge off.

Smokus Pocus

Cannabis was once something to consume in a dark corner when no one was looking but shows like Smokus Pocus are changing perceptions. It brings cannabis front and center with a touring magic show around everyone’s favorite recreational plant. The audience members can enjoy the weed-themed magic show, whether they’re smoking or not.

2nd Saturday Smoke-Out 

The Delta Boyz strike again with the 2nd Saturday Smoke-Out option. The event invites people of all different backgrounds to find a commonality in cannabis with live music from local artists, unique games, and refreshments for purchase. Themes change monthly, so the events are always fun.

Gateway Show

This is the perfect event if you love both comedy and cannabis. The touring show features local comedians who take the stage and give you their best set. Then, after a brief intermission where they get stoned out of their gourds, they take the stage a second time. 

Understandably, the second set is always funnier than the first, but not necessarily in the way the comedians intended. During the intermission, the audience can leave the venue to partake if they choose and return to enjoy the show as high as the entertainers on stage.

Puff and Paint Weed Events

You’re probably familiar with the painting classes where everyone drinks wine as they take an art lesson. Puff and paint classes do that with cannabis. For example, Denver, Colorado, hosts a class called Puff Pass Paint, but the idea is the same. 

It’s a great creative outlet even if you don’t consider yourself an artist. The classes are all about enjoying cannabis and creating something unique in your signature style. 

Cooking With Cannabis

Edibles aren’t restricted to just gummies laced with CBD and THC. A cannabis cooking class can open your eyes to the world of elevated eating. There’s everything from cannabis butter on toast to cannabis-infused teas to enjoy before bed, so go wild.

A Cannabis cooking class is a great way to imbibe culinary techniques. You can also connect with others who may want to organize a cannabis potluck one day.

420 events in sacramento

Cannabis Industry Business Mixer for Corporate Weed Events

Did you know that Sacramento’s 420 events aren’t only for those who consume cannabis? There are opportunities for entrepreneurs as well. For example, the annual Cannabis Industry Business Mixer welcomes industry professionals, whether they’re starting out or established in the niche.

It’s an excellent opportunity to network with others in the industry, seek advice, and impress potential investors to grow a business in the area.

Another Amazing Option: A Cannabis Concierge

A growing niche that elevates the whole experience is the cannabis concierge. Much like a hotel concierge, their sole focus is to provide you with tailored options so that you have the best cannabis experience possible. The concierge does the footwork to find special events to attend and the best products available in the area and brings it straight to you.

If you’re visiting Sacramento from another state, a cannabis concierge is a must! It’s the perfect solution for anyone not familiar with the weed culture in the area because even though it’s legal, it’s not safe to smoke everywhere. A trusted cannabis concierge will be your guide so that you can avoid a fine for smoking in your hotel room or somewhere else that’s not allowed. 

And if you’re planning a weed-friendly event, your concierge can give you a list of 420-friendly car services, caterers, and venues to create the vibes you want!

420 Events Near Me: Plan a Retreat

Do you live in a state where cannabis is still illegal? Plan a retreat to the Sacramento area to enjoy a 420-friendly weekend with friends. Why not ask a concierge to help with the planning process? That way, you’ll find a welcoming venue and the product you want at the ready. 

Bring the 420 Event To You With Our Cannabis Delivery Service

With so many options available in Sacramento, you’re bound to find something perfect for your vibe. 

Plus, Nexus Delivers cannabis has same and next-day delivery options in the Sacramento area, whether you’re home or attending events that accept cannabis deliveries. Call 916-709-4137 to talk to our budtenders, or place your order online for a reliable and speedy delivery!


How to Hit a Cart Without a Battery
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Few things are more frustrating than getting ready to take a hit from your cannabis vape only to discover the cartridge is missing its battery. While you could buy a new cart battery, sometimes money and time don’t allow for a speedy purchase. So, what can you do in this situation?

It’s possible to vape without a cart battery, but it’s not the best thing to do. The guide below will show you how to hit a cart without a battery and explain its associated risks. 

What’s the Purpose of Vape Batteries?

Before you learn how to hit a cart without a battery, it helps to know how vape cartridges work. A cart is the top part of a vape pen that contains cannabinoid concentrate. It also holds the atomizer, coil, and other components essential for transforming cannabis concentrate into vapor.

However, vape pens need a power source, like a battery, for the cart’s coil to vaporize the concentrate. Since the batteries don’t have a lot of energy to power the cart indefinitely, you’ll have to recharge or replace them. 

How to Smoke a Cart Without a Pen

Cartridge batteries are small and easy to lose, so cannabis users often misplace them. You might also forget to purchase a replacement for a dead battery. Fortunately, 510-threaded vape cartridges are widely available, so you can always buy another one. 


If you’re short on time or don’t have much money and want to know how to hit a cart without a battery, you can get crafty with an Android charging cord. It’s a common practice among vape users due to the straightforward process. However, using a phone charger to fire a cartridge isn’t without risks, so proceed with caution if you choose to follow these steps.

1. Source an Android Charger and Disconnect the Port From the Charger

Before you can hit a cart without a battery, you need to source an Android phone charger. This process will destroy the cord, so make sure it’s one you don’t mind losing.

Next, you’ll need something to strip the cord’s insulation from the wires inside it. You can use scissors, wire strippers, or nail clippers.

Once you have these items, use the cutting tool to separate the charging port from the cord. The charging port is the part of the cord that goes into the phone, tablet, or other Android device. Do not make any cuts while the charger is plugged into a power source, and don’t cut the part of the cord that plugs into a USB block.  

2. Disconnect the White and Green Wires

Next, you’ll use your scissors or nail clippers to carefully cut away the rubber insulation covering the interior wires to expose them. You don’t want to take off too much rubber; leave enough of the cord intact to use later in the process. Once you expose the interior cables, you’ll notice they come in red, black, white, and green. The latter colors are unnecessary wires, so you can remove them.

3. Expose the Black and Red Wires

To fire a cart, you only need the red and black wires. After you get rid of the white and green cables, remove about two inches of covering from the red and black cables. 

These two Android wires are necessary because the red one serves as the negative lead, while the black one acts as a positive lead. When you have a cart battery in your vape pen, its connection acts as the positive lead, with the battery itself serving as the ground.

4. Put the Black Wire Inside Your Cartridge

Take a look at your vape cartridge to find a small round hole on its bottom. Sometimes, a bit of rubber on the bottom of the cart blocks this hole, so you might have to cut the material off to reveal it. Once you find the hole, carefully put the black wire into it. 

5. Place the Red Wire on the Exterior Cartridge

Now, you need to make a connection with the negative red wire to complete the power circuit. Do this by locating the metal surface on the cartridge’s exterior. Take the red wire and gently touch it to that area. 

6. Plug in the USB Cable and Hit Your Cart

Finally, plug the intact portion of the Android charge cord into a USB power source or USB block. If you perform all the steps correctly, you should immediately hear your vape pen hiss and see it producing cannabis concentrate vapor. You can hit the cart at this time but do so slowly. 

As soon as you take a pull off your vape, disconnect the circuit by removing the red wire. If you leave the circuit intact for too long, you could accidentally overheat your coil, resulting in wasted product. 



Using Android Chargers vs. iPhone Chargers When Hitting a Cart Without a Battery

A common question people ask when learning how to hit a cart without a battery is if you can substitute an Android charge cord with an iPhone charger. Technically, you can, but it’s not a good idea, and here’s why.

The primary reason why you can’t swap iPhone chargers for Android models on devices is that Apple wiring tends to be more complex than its competitors. So, you could follow a similar process to hit a vape cartridge with an iPhone charger, but you could easily become confused about its extra wires, which could potentially cause the hack not to work or, at worst, cause you to injure yourself. 

If you insist on using wires in place of vape cart batteries, stick with Android models only. 

Mistakes to Avoid When Hitting a Cart Without a Battery

Successfully performing the vape cart wire hack doesn’t ensure a pleasant vaping experience if you fall for common mistakes. For instance, people often inhale quickly and deeply because the pen will produce vapor immediately once you touch the red wire to the cartridge exterior and plug in the cord. Unfortunately, over-inhaling can quickly burn the cartridge, resulting in a harsh hit.

Another mistake people often make is failing to clean their cartridges or cleaning them improperly. A cart becomes dirty after multiple uses, which can lead to buildup accumulating in the airway. Without a clear airway, your cart won’t produce much cannabis vapor.

To clean your cartridge and use it efficiently without a battery, be sure to wipe it clean using a dry cloth after each use. You should also take the mouthpiece off the cart to soak it in warm water for several minutes. Doing this helps to eliminate buildup that could cause a clog.

Reasons Not to Hit a Cartridge Without a Battery

Crafting a vape cartridge power source is impressive despite its simplicity. Though it’s certainly possible to hit a cartridge without a battery, it doesn’t mean that’s the best thing to do. The hack is unnecessary in most situations, and its risks outweigh the benefits.

Here are several reasons you should find safer alternatives to firing a cart with an Android charger.

Vape Batteries Are Widely Available

As previously mentioned in the guide, 510-threaded cartridges are the most common variety on the market, making them the industry standard. That means you could easily find a substitute cart battery if yours is missing or out of power. 

Cartridge batteries are available in almost every reputable vape shop, and you can source them online. They’re not overly expensive either. Depending on your vape pen and preferences, you could buy a vape cart battery for as low as $5 or as high as $50.

You Can Purchase Multiple Batteries

No laws or rules state that you can only purchase one vape cart battery at a time. Just like people buy multiple phone chargers to ensure their devices always have power, you can purchase multiple backup cartridge batteries for your cannabis vape.

By purchasing multiple batteries at once, you can be confident that your vape pen will have sufficient power from a reliable source without the inconvenience of having to run out to the store or place an online order.

Hitting Carts Without Batteries Is Risky

You’re essentially playing with live wires when you use the Android charge cord hack to hit your vape cart. As such, you risk shocking or burning yourself on top of using your vape pen incorrectly due to the influx of electricity hitting the coil and atomizer. 

Visit Nexus Delivers for Cartridge Batteries and More

Understanding how to hit a cart without a battery doesn’t mean you must destroy your phone chargers and risk injuries. Instead, turn to our team at Nexus Delivers to get high-quality cannabis products and accessories at your front door. We have an impressive selection of edibles, extracts, prerolls, and vape batteries at affordable prices available for delivery to Sacramento, CA, and the surrounding areas. 

Browse our inventory online before placing your order through our website, or call (916) 709-4137 for more information.

Also Read: Higher Priced Weed Explained 


Walk into your local dispensary, and there’s a good chance you might experience some sticker shock when you see the price of some weed varieties. When you recover, you might wonder what makes the most expensive weed strains different from their more affordable cousins and whether it’s worth shelling out hundreds (or, in some cases, well over a grand) for an ounce of weed. 

Every purveyor of pot has their own pricing structure and method for deciding what customers will pay for their herb. When it comes to the top-shelf products and most expensive strains of weed like Cannabis Caviar, which comes in at an average of $1,400 an ounce, many factors play a role in the price. 

It Costs HOW Much? What Determines the Cost of Your Smoke 

Like any product, supply and demand forms a huge part of the price of weed. The rarer the strain and the harder it is to get, the more it will cost the customer. 

For example, Alien Genetics, the breeder of the limited-time offering Fruity Pebbles, used several different cultivars to produce the strain known for providing an especially potent high to even seasoned smokers. Because Alien Genetics never feminized the breed, growers seem reluctant to spend $1,500 or more on seeds that may never grow, making the cultivar exceedingly rare. When you find Fruity Pebbles, prepare to open the wallet and drop some serious cash for it. 

What determines how much the dispensary charges for a strain relies on more than just its scarcity. Sellers have to consider additional influences like:

Growing Conditions 

Marijuana grows best in mild climates with a consistent temperature of 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. In less-than-ideal conditions, it loses potency, which affects the price. Growers often need to create the ideal growing conditions with lights and climate control, which increases their costs—which they pass on to buyers.

Market Conditions

Again, like any business, dispensaries have overhead costs, which factor into the cost of their offerings. For example, nearly every industry has felt the pinch of increased transportation costs over the past few years. High gas prices and delivery charges mean dispensaries have to pay more to get products from suppliers and, in turn, pass those increases on to customers. 

Local competition can also cause weed prices to increase. If a dispensary is the only local source for some of the rarest and most expensive weed strains, they can charge more for them than they could if other local shops carry the same options. When every seller in town has the same products, shopping for bargains becomes easier. 


The fact remains that illegal marijuana is almost always less expensive than legal pot. While we don’t recommend buying weed illegally since the consequences will undoubtedly cost more than the few dollars you save per ounce, you can’t ignore the fact that cannabis dispensaries are businesses and have expenses that a local “independent seller” simply doesn’t. 

Taxes serve as a huge contributor to the higher prices of legal weed. The taxes on cannabis are higher than those on alcohol, for example, because most states legalized it on the presumption that a portion of tax proceeds would fund important social programs.

Because the laws and financial codes surrounding legal marijuana sales require specific knowledge, dispensaries often need to hire lawyers and accountants to help manage their business and remain compliant. These professionals aren’t cheap, and when you consider that the store needs to pay for real estate, staff salaries, licenses, and more in addition to products, you can easily see why the prices for high-quality weed can reach astronomical heights.


Creating new strains of marijuana proves a complex process. Some of the most sought-after and high-dollar strains, like Isla OG and White Fire OG, result from careful breeding to create especially potent experiences. Skilled breeders use high-end equipment and world-class strains in their operations to create new and unique plants, but those efforts come at a price. 

What Is the Most Expensive Weed Strain?

As we mentioned, the most expensive weed strain on the market right now is Cannabis Caviar. Much like caviar is the most bougie food, Cannabis Caviar is the height of luxury when it comes to weed. At $1,400 an ounce, you might not have enough zeros in your bank balance to casually pick some up (if you can even locate some). Still, most members of the cannabis community agree that this remains the creme de la creme of weed. 

What makes Cannabis Caviar so special? It has the highest THC levels of any strain (32%). No one knows who created this exceptional strain of marijuana, but they do know the effects include euphoria and sedation, to the point where anyone without a high tolerance for weed will likely fall asleep pretty quickly after lighting up. 

One alternative to the hard-to-find Cannabis Caviar is Black Caviar, a very similar but slightly (and really, only slightly) less expensive option. Unless you have a baller’s budget, these strains will likely be an occasional treat rather than a casual smoke.

However, Cannabis Caviar isn’t the only spendy strain on the market. The Loud Dream strain, for example, runs about $800 an ounce. The indica-dominant cultivar remains a favorite for its ability to calm even the most tightly wound user while providing some mental clarity and energy to get through the longest Zoom session. The similarly priced Isla OG has a higher concentration of THC (25%), and the packaging approach (putting freshly cut buds into metal canisters to cure immediately after trimming) means it’s the freshest of any available strain. 

Another pricey strain, Oracle, also comes in at about $800 an ounce. Although cultivators initially claimed it contained extra high levels of THC—up to 45%!—testing showed that it actually has about 1% THC and a similar profile to significantly less expensive strains. Oracle makes a better option for people who don’t want to get stoned but still want the therapeutic benefits of relaxation and increased focus. 

Alternatives to the Most Expensive Strains of Weed 

When you don’t have a tech entrepreneur’s billion-dollar bank account, shelling out the equivalent of a mortgage payment on an ounce of pot probably isn’t in your budget. But continue reading for the good news: You can find plenty of less expensive alternatives that offer an exceptional experience without the price tag. 

One option is Cannabiotix Tropical Lemonade Flower, a fruity cultivar that tastes like summer and offers a joyful, euphoric high that helps you overcome fatigue with a burst of energy. At $350 per ounce, it ranks as one of Nexus Delivers’ most expensive offerings but still costs far less than other options. 

Another high-end Nexus product customers love is Clout King Wagyu Flower, a hybrid strain coming in at $300 per ounce. The distinctly meaty flavor makes this a unique smoke, and most users find that the high THC level gives it a major kick, followed by pain relief, relaxation, and mental clarity. 

For a fruitier smoke, try Wonderbrett Grapes of Wrath, a $300 per ounce hybrid with a mellow high that lets you relax and release mental stress. The overall experience of smoking Grapes of Wrath feels less intense than other cannabis strains, making it ideal when you just want to chill out for a while. 

Should You Buy Expensive Weed?

How much you’ll actually pay for an ounce of marijuana varies wildly by state, with an ounce in a weed-friendly state like Oregon running an average of $185. In more highly regulated areas, like Washington, D.C., the average price for an ounce hovers around $500. Buying weed illegally is almost always cheaper, but again, saving a couple of bucks isn’t worthwhile if being caught means hefty fines or even jail time. 

Ultimately, what you spend is your choice and depends on your budget, preferences, and what you hope to gain from the experience. Most people save the high-quality but super-expensive cultivars for occasional treats and buy less expensive strains for regular use. As you become more familiar with different strains and learn more about what you like (and never want to smoke again), you can research and try options at multiple price points to find what works best for you. 

Check Out the Nexus Delivers Selection

When you want high-quality products but can’t swing the most expensive weed strains, check out Nexus Delivers’ selection of cannabis flowers, pre-rolls, and other products. With Nexus, you won’t need to waste time driving to the dispensary—you can get what you want when you want, without hassles or inconvenience. 

Ready to try some new cannabis products? Check out the selection, then order online or call (916) 709-4137.

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